The ‘zon is at it again…

This time they’ve decided to help you out and hide some of your reviews when it comes to your favorite authors. This came across my Facebook feed today and you really should read it.

Elizabeth Joy: ATTENTION: A New Anti-Erotica Change to Amazon’s Policies

If you’re wondering what this means, I’m going to sum up from Ms. Joy’s post because she, quite frankly, said it way better than I could.

“Amazon has already created the “adult dungeon” to hide our “dirty” books from showing up on searches.  

Now, Amazon is now trying to hide the REVIEWS of romance and erotic books as well.

Here’s Amazon’s official new policy according to a customer alert: As of December 10, 2015, Amazon says that “all new activity associated with sensitive products will be hidden by default from your public profile. You may have existing sensitive activity that is still visible. You can change this by going to your privacy settings.”

And THIS (emphasis mine):

“When checked, any activity related to sensitive products will be automatically hidden on your profile. These products include certain personal care products, jewelry, intimate clothing, self-help, erotic media, and other product that may be controversial in nature, including some products used for personal protection.

This is proactively done in an effort to protect customers from potential embarrassment.”

Now you really do want to go up to that link and click it, because Ms. Joy goes on in her post to succinctly and perfectly walk you through how to tell the ‘zon to fuck off and show your reviews anyways.

This has been a friendly “Goddamnit Amazon, you’re not helping me by oppressing me!” public service announcement. Have a great day!

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